About us

First there was the restoration of furniture. It was, it is and it will be. At different levels, but always engaging, prompting problems and seducing results. And then there’s eco, from the very beginning – it’s always a restoration, a turning back from non-existence, sometimes from the garbage dump. Many times I heard “you have to like it”… Well I don’t have to, luckily, and since I persist with it, I probably like it. And, from time to time, I can catch gems to salvage, and rescue them, and offer.

Why Scandinavian furniture? Quality and style. Simple, ideal form. Durable and refurbishable materials, patina charm but also functionality. Convenience, because it is mainly upholstered furniture, which thanks to the
cooperation with excellent upholsterers not only expose the brilliance of the materials used, but provide a guarantee of many more years of operation and the chance of another, someday renovation.

Scandinavian furniture is money well spent, it’s modern thinking, but a little in the way of older generations, when items were not replaced every few years, but passed on to the next generation. The difference, however, is that their form does not quarrel with any style and is able to satisfy most tastes. Made of wood or at least wood cladding, finished with fine materials, they can be both a sign of luxury but also simplicity.

So, unable to resist them, in addition to restoration for customers, we also offer these, available on our site, gems and the knowledge and ability to find and acquire similar, available on the secondary market. With the assumption that satisfaction comes from the whole. Finding, buying and restoring each piece.

Because it brings us the most fun.